Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pre-Raphaelite Women in Rossetti's The Girlhood of Mary Virgin Essay

Pre-Raphaelite Women in Rossetti's The Girlhood of Mary Virgin - Essay Example This is that blessed Mary, pre-elect, God's Virgin. Gone is a great while, and she Dwelt young in Nazareth of Galilee. Unto God's will she brought devout respect, Profound simplicity of intellect, And supreme patience. From her mother's knee Faithful and hopeful; wise in charity; Strong in grave peace; in pity circumspect. So held she through her girlhood; as it were An angel-watered lily, that near God Grows and is quiet. Till, one dawn at home, She woke in her white bed, and had no fear At all, -- yet wept till sunshine, and felt awed; Because the fullness of the time was come. II. â€Å"These are the symbols. On that cloth of red I’ the centre is the Tripoint: perfect each, Except the second of its points, to teach That Christ is not yet born. The books – whose head Is golden Charity, as Paul hath said – Those virtues are wherein the soul is rich: Therefore on them the lily standeth, which Is innocence, being interpreted. The seven-thorn’d briar and th e pal seven-leaved Are her great sorrow and her great reward. Until the end be full, the Holy One Abides without. She soon shall have achieved Her perfect purity: yea, God the Lord Shall soon vouchsafe His Son to be her Son1. The Girlhood of Mary contains strong religious symbolism. ... Gabriel Rossetti the artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born in London, England on May 12, 1828 with the given name of Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti. His mother was Frances Polidori and his father was Gabriel Rossetti who as a poet had a partiality towards the works of the poet Dante Alighieri that he gave his first son the same namesake. Later, Rossetti put the Dante first ahead of his birth name Gabriel in honour of the poet he was named after. Dante’s early works were said to be mirrored in the earlier works of Rossetti3. Dante Gabriel Rossetti had three other siblings (whom he was the eldest) who were equally talented. His other sibling, Cristina was also a poet just like her brother Dante Gabriel who sat as the Virgin Mary in the paintings of Dante Gabriel The Girlhood of Mary Virgin and Ecce Ancilla Domini. III. The Victorian Female during Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s time Dante Gabriel Rossetti (12 May 1828  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 9 April 1882) was born during the reign of Queen Victoria who was the Queen of England from 1837 to 1901. During the reign of Queen Victoria (known as Victorian era), the idea of ideal feminine was patterned after the queen herself. The respectability and figure of the ideal lady during the era of Queen Victoria surrounds around domestic purity as she dispenses her duty as a wife, mother and daughter 4(BBC 2004). This era is characterized as the domestic age as femininity was centered on family as epitomized by Queen Victoria who was the role model of marital stability and domestic virtue5. This social milieu during Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s time may have tremendously influenced his early works especially his first public oil painting The Girlhood of Mary when he describes his idea of lady to be innocent and pure; This concept of womanhood stressed

Monday, October 28, 2019

Heraclites V. Parmenides Essay Example for Free

Heraclites V. Parmenides Essay Philosophy serves one purpose, bringing order to reason. This, on so many levels can organize ones way of thinking into a structured manner; therefore rendering it much easier for one to conclude solid conclusions, thereby avoiding error. There have been many independent streams of philosophy from several different parts of the world, such as China, and India. But the most popular school of thought that has created the most impact on the United States, without a doubt would have to be the ancient Greeks (who by the way started philosophy in a fashion of independent religion). Skipping straight ahead to two of philosophies great philosophers: Heraclitus (540-480 B. C), and one of the most miss-understood, Parmenides (515-440 B. C. ). These two philosophers took philosophy to a new level; from trying to understand our changing world, to trying to understand change itself. If the search for a fundamental substance was to ever progress, it would have to face the inevitable problem of change. In other words, what remains the same when everything else changes of a particular thing? Change appears to be a fundamental character in nature/life. Our experiences tell us that things are definitely in motion (moving) and changing (becoming different) every moment of every day. But however, the question still arrives, what remains the same throughout this process? The two key solutions (in my opinion one) comes from these two well thought philosophers. Like I said, only one has a solid conclusion in which I agree. Parmenides spoke deeply when he said, being is; and non-being, is not. Parmenides base philosophy was that change was simply an illusion. It was perfectly clear to him that the world appeared to be in a constant state of flux; more so though he believed that our senses deceived us. The fundamental substance is being. And in order to reconcile the perpetual change he perceived with his senses; he reasoned that nothing comes from nothing, and that all existing comes from something pre-existing. Parmenides took for granted that the world had always existed, therefore, being must have always existed, and ultimately will always exist. Being is an eternal state he said. Now comes Heraclitus with the philosophy that everything changes, and nothing stays the same. Diametrically opposed to that of which Parmenides stands for. Heraclitus firmly believed in his assumption that everything changed. He believed becoming was the root to all things. And one of his famous phrases was, one never steps into the same river twice. What he meant by this was, when a person interrupts the current of the river in any way form or fashion, he/she has changed the river from what it was to what it is. Even without interrupting the river and plainly observing the flow on can witness the change. And this can be applied to every day life on all levels. He states that if the consequences of a perpetually changing foundation into existence are profound, and the fundamental elements are inconsistent and unstable, how can there be any laws to govern them? This preference for consistent change led Heraclitus to his theory of fire being the basic element of all things, due to its consistent change in nature and its dynamics. When interpreting Heraclitus I see him as saying, since we know from our own experiences that change happens, this is no illusion by far, because one can physically experience the change. Heraclitus also points to his theory of fire, due to the fact that in so many words theres such an abundance supply of it in nature its the basic element for all things. I disagree with him. His views are flawless by far and one can still argue his points today. Parmenides on the other hand grasps my attention and holds so much stronger with solid conclusions, so much so that one can only think. Parmenides says, One can only think of what already exists, and can come into existence from the pre-existing. He argues that no one, and I quote, no one can speak on or even think about what does not exist or even come into existence from nothing. This is because nothing is simply that, nothing, and how can one truly make something out of nothing. For this reason is why I side with Parmenides on this topic.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fredrick Douglass :: essays papers

Fredrick Douglass Fredrick Douglass vs. Gone with the Wind. That’s how I perceived the two pieces of literature, Douglass is writing a true account of what his experience has been in slavery while Gone with the Wind is a fictional production of southern life. Pardon the simile but they are like black and white. Douglass gives a graphic portrayal of his own beatings and being forced to work. The guy didn’t even know when his birthday was, at first I was like big deal, but after I thought about it and that would suck not knowing when you were brought into the world. Not knowing your Mother real well would seriously bite but I loved how in the night she would walk the twelve miles to the plantation just to put her boy to sleep. Very touching. It’s odd for me to think of my Mom dying and not being that sad. Douglass said it was like hearing about a stranger dying. Gone with the Wind was however a completely different story. I look at Scarlet and I’m thinking, â€Å"man what a fox† how could anything bother her? Does she even have a clue as to how terrible slavery really is? She has everything, the house, the clothes, and the influence, everything except for the man of her dreams but hey she eventually gets a piece at the end of the show. I can see why this movie has been around for like fifty years, it’s because it’s what’s people want to believe, what flatters us. I’m guilty of this, I would much rather watch a pretty decent movie about the â€Å"southern dream†: ladies, money and debutantes opposed to almost feeling the sting on my back as I soak up Douglass’s narrative on slavery, sickness and tribulations. Douglass repeats a couple times that literacy is the seat of freedom, I don’t know about that. Sure, you are free to read when possible and write when allowed but that doesn’t deliver you from the bonds of slavery, who cares if you are educated? To a slave owner you are one step closer to an uprising and this in turn makes him punish you even more brutally. I don’t believe its freedom to read. If I was a slave I would be so depressed I think I’d give up and let myself die, I mean it can only get better from here right?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Night World : Black Dawn Chapter 2

Beside her, Jake growled again, but Maggie only heard it distantly. No one else even lookedtoward them. I can't believe how well I'm taking this, Maggiethought. Something's wrong with me. I'm not hysterical at all. Her mind had gotten hold of the idea quiteclearly, but there was no reaction in her body, no terrible feeling in her stomach. An instant later itswept over her, exactly what she'd been afraid of. A wash of adrenaline that made her skin tinglepainfully and a horrible sensation of falling in her stomach. A numbness that started in her cheeksand spread to her lips and jaw. Oh, please, she thought stupidly. Please let it notbe true. Maybe he's just hurt.That would be allright. He had an accident and he's hurt-but notdead. But if he were hurt her mother wouldn't bestanding there screaming. She would be on her way to the hospital, and nobody could stop her. So thatdidn't work, and Maggie's mind, darting and wheel ing like a frightened little animal, had to go back to Please don't let this be true. Strangely, at that moment, it seemed as if theremight be some way to make it not true. If sheturned around and sneaked back to her bedroombefore anyone saw her; if she got into bed and pulled the blankets over her head and shut hereyes†¦ But she couldn't leave her mother screaming like this. Just then the screams died down a little. Her father was speaking in a voice that didn't sound at all like his voice. It was a sort of choked whisper.†But why didn't you tell us you were going climbing? If you left on Halloween then it's been sixdays. We didn't even know our son was missing†¦.† â€Å"I'm sorry.† Sylvia was whispering, too. â€Å"Wedidn't expect to be gone long. Miles's roommatesknew we were going, but nobody else. It was justa spur-of-themoment thingwe didn't have classeson Halloween and the weather was so nice andMiles said, hey, let's go out to Chimney Rock. And we justwent†¦.† Hey, let's go.He used to say that kind of thing to me, Maggie thought with a strange, dazed twinge.But not since he met Sylvia. The male sheriff was looking at Maggie's father.†You weren't surprised that you hadn't heard from your son since last Friday?† â€Å"No. He's gotten so independent since he movedout to go to college. One of his roommates calledthis afternoon to ask if Miles was here-but hedidn't say that Miles had been gone for almost aweek. I just thought he'd missed a class orsomething†¦.† Maggie's father's voice trailed off. The sheriff nodded. â€Å"Apparently his roommatesthought he'd taken a little unauthorized vacation,†he said. â€Å"They got worried enough to call us tonight-but by then a ranger had already pickedup Sylvia.† Sylvia was crying. She was tall but willowy, fragile looking. Delicate. She had shimmering hair sopale it was almost silvery and clear eyes the exactcolor of wood violets. Maggie, who was short andround faced, with fox-colored hair and brown eyes,had always envied her. But not now. Nobody could look at Sylvia nowwithout feeling pity. â€Å"It happened that first evening. We started up,but then the weather started turning bad and weturned around. We were moving pretty fast.† Sylviastopped and pressed a fist against her mouth. â€Å"It's kind of a risky time of year for climbing,† the female sheriff began gently, but Sylvia shookher head. And she was right, Maggie thought. It wasn't thatbad. Sure, it rained here most of the fall, but sometimes what the weather people called a high pressure cell settled in and the skies stayed blue for amonth. All hikers knew that. Besides, Miles washt scared of weather. He wasonly eighteen but he'd done lots of hard climbs in Washington's Olympic and Cascade ranges. He'dkeep climbing all winter, getting alpine experience in snow and storms. Sylvia was going on, her voice getting more jerkybreathless. â€Å"Miles was†¦he'd had the flu aweek before and he wasn't completely over it. Buthe seemed okay, strong. It happened when we were rappelling down. He was laughing and joking andeverything†¦. I never thought he might be tired enough to makea mistake†¦.† Her voice wavered turned into a ragged sob and the ranger puthis arm around her. Something inside Maggie froze. Amistake?Miles? She was prepared to hear aboutasudden avalanche or a piece of equipment failing. Even Sylviafalling and knocking Miles off. But Miles makinga mistake? Maggie stared at Sylvia, and suddenly somethingin the pitiful figure bothered her. There was something odd about that delicatelyflushed face and those tear-drenched violet eyes. Itwas all too perfect, too tragic, as if Sylvia werean Academy award-winning actress doing a famousscene-and enjoying it. â€Å"I don't know howit happened,† Sylvia was whispering. â€Å"The anchor was good. We should have hada back-up anchor, but we were in a hurry. And he must have †¦oh, God, there must have beensomething wrong with his harness. Maybe thebuckle wasn't fastened right, or the carabiners might have been upside down†¦:' No. Suddenly Maggie's feelings crystalized. It was asif everything came into focus at once. That's impossible. That's wrong. Miles was too good. Smart and strong and anamazing technical climber. Confident but careful. Maggie only hoped she'd be that good someday. No way he'd buckle his harness wrong, or clip his ‘biners upside down. No matter how sick hewas. In fact, no way he'd go without a back-upanchor. I'mthe one who tries to do things like that,and then he yells at me that if I'm not careful I'm going to have an adventure. Miles doesn't. So it meant Sylvia was lying. The thought came to Maggie on a little wave ofshock. It made her feel as if she were suddenlyspeeding backwards, or as if the room were receding from her very fast. But why?Why would Sylvia make up such a terrible story? It didn't make any sense. Sylvia had a hand half covering her eyes now.†I looked for him, but †¦there was icefall†¦a crevasse†¦Ã¢â‚¬  No body. She's saying there's no body . With that, a new wave of heat swept over Maggie.And, strangely, what made her certain of it was Sylvia's eyes. Those violet eyes had been turned down for mostof the time Sylvia had beentalking, fixed on theSpanish tiles in the entry hall. But now, as Sylviagot to the last revelation, they had shifted toward Maggie. Toward Maggie's feet. They fixed there,slid away, and then came back and stayed. It made Maggie glance down at her own feet. My socks. She's staring at my socks. One red and one blueand she's noticing that. Like an actress who's said the same lines oftenenough that she doesn't even need to pay attention to them anymore. All at once, hot anger was burning through Maggie's shock, filling her so there was no room foranything else. She stared hard at Sylvia,whoseemed to be very far away but very bright. And inthat same instant she knew for certain. This girl is lying. She must have done something-something terrible. And she can't show us Miles's body – or maybethere isn't a body because he's still alive. Yes! Maggie felt suddenly lifted by hope. It is alla mistake. There's no reason for Miles to be dead.All we have to do is make Sylvia tell the truth. But nobody else in the room knew. They wereall listening asSylvia went on with her story. Theyall believed. â€Å"I didn't get out before the weatherhit†¦.I hadto stay in the tent for three days. When I got out Iwas so weak, but I managed to signal to some climbers. They saved me, took care ofme†¦.Bythen it was too late to look for him. I knew there was no chance he'd made it through thatstorm†¦.† She broke down completely. The ranger began talking about weather conditions and recovery efforts, and suddenly Maggie'smother was making strange gasping noises andsinking toward the floor. â€Å"Mom!† Frightened, Maggie started toward her.Her father looked up and seemed to realize for thefirst time that she was there. â€Å"Oh, Maggie. We've had some bad news.† He's trying to take care of me. But he doesn'trealize†¦I've got to tell him†¦. â€Å"Dad,† she said urgently.† L isten. There's something-â€Å" â€Å"Maggie,† her mother interrupted, stretching outa hand. She sounded rational, but there was something wild in her eyes. â€Å"I'm so sorry, baby. Something awful has happened-â€Å" And then she fainted. Suddenly Maggie's fatherwas staggering under dead weight. And then theranger and one of the sheriffs were brushing pastMaggie. They were holding her mother up, and hermother's head was lolling, moving around on aboneless neck, and her mother's mouth and eyeswere part open and part closed. A new kind ofawful feeling came to Maggie, making her weakand giddy. She was afraid she would faint herself. â€Å"Where can we-† the male officer began. â€Å"There's the couch,† Maggie's father said hoarselyat the same time. There was no room for Maggie.She could only stand out of the way and dizzilywatch them carryher mother. As they did, Sylvia began murmuring. It tookMaggie a moment to focus on the words. â€Å"I'm sosorry. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something †¦I should go home now.† â€Å"You stay right here,† the female officer said,looking toward Maggie's mother. â€Å"You're in no condition to be walking anywhere. You'd be in the hospital now if you hadn't insisted on coming herefirst.† â€Å"I don't need a hospital. I'm just so tired..:'The officer turned. â€Å"Why don't you go sit in thecar?† she said gently. Sylvia nodded. She looked fragile and sad as shewalked down the path toward the squad car. It wasa beautiful exit, Maggie thought. You could practically hear the theme music swelling. But Maggie was the only one with the chance toappreciate it. She was the only one watching asSylvia reached the car †¦ and paused. And then turned away from it and continued ondown the street. And the end credits run, Maggie thought. Then she thought, she's going to her apartment. Maggie stood frozen, pulled in two directions. She wanted to stay and help her mother. But something inside her was utterly furious and focused and it was screaming at her to follow Sylvia.Instinct had always been Maggie's strong point.She hung there for a moment, with her heartpounding so hard that it seemed to be coming out-of her mouth. Then she ducked her head andclenched her fists. It was a gesture the girls on her soccer teamwould have recognized. It meant that Steely Neelyhad made up her mind and was going to rush inwhere smarter people feared to tread. Look out,world; it's stomping time. Maggie whirled and dashed back down the hallinto her bedroom. She slapped the light switch on and lookedaround as if she'd never seen the place before.What did she need-and why did she always keepit so messy? How could she find things? She kicked and pulled at a pile of bath towelsuntil a pair of hightop tennis shoes emerged, thenshe jammed her feet in them. There was no timeto change her pajama top. She snatched a dark blue jacket off the floor and found herself, just fora moment, nose to nose with a photograph stuckinto the frame of her mirror. A picture of Miles, on the summit of MountRainier. He was grinning and giving the thumbs upsign. His hat was off and his auburn hair was shining in the sun like red gold. He looked handsomeand a little wicked. Scrawled in black marker across white snow was†For the bossiest, nosiest, stubbornest, BEST little sister in the world. Love, Miles.† With no idea whyshe was doing it, Maggie pulledthe picture out of the mirror. She shoved it in herjacket pocket and ran back down the hall. Everyone was gathered around the couch, now.Even Jake was nosing his way in. Maggie couldn't see her mother, but the lack of frantic activity toldher that there wasn't any crisis going on. Everyoneseemed quiet and restrained. It'll just take a few minutes. It's better for me notto tell them anything until I'm sure. I'll probablybe back before they even realize I'm gone. With that jumble of excuses in her mind, sheslipped out the front door to follow Sylvia.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lawsuit for Call Center Fabulous County, Florida for a sum of money Essay

There was a saying that business is business.   Sustainability of a firm depends upon production and it is always measured by the amount of money earned.   In some cases collectibles are difficult to handle.   In fact it is one of the known business risk – the delivery now and pay later deals.   Too many establishments failed due to laxity on issues such as collection especially in the payments of bad accounts. Collection Committee should send a registered mail to the Call Center Fabulous Country indicating the exact amount of money to be collected including penalties if any.   The committee on collection must also decide the cut-off period if there is no given grace period on payments indicated in the agreement or stipulated in the contract.   Moreover, the agreement must be read thoroughly before initiating a suit so that all angles are carefully studied and properly explored. The committee should know that there are rights to discretion proper to a specific type of businesses.   For instance, a call center provides business transaction globally which mean that any disruption in their services with regards to the services your company provides may cause more damage than the amount being collected.   Upon making a thorough review of the situation and in case that the Call Center Company stated did not respond or make a written reply to the Collection Committee, immediate action on the filing of suit should take place at a small court in a county where the party being sued or where the signing of agreement took place (Balovich, 2006). Legal services is expensive and vary depending on states therefore, the collection committee must try to use all its capabilities in making a collection with the use of proper business ethics.   There could be easy way of handling collection than a lawsuit in fact one of the biggest points to consider before doing so is to ask the following question.   Is the amount being collected proportionate to the expense incurred in litigation?   Aside from money involved, what will be the social costs and consequences of the action?   Filing a case on claims involves time and energy and responsibility of the Collection Committee to handle diligently. Some overdue collection depends largely on how it is done.   There are ways to expedite the collection of payments.   For example, making sure that your contract indicates when is the payment due and to whom you deal with.   Second, indicating clearly that payment is due on a very specific date or writing in the invoice with this clause: penalty will be incurred due to late payments.   Meantime it is also good to request payment in advance (Examiner, 2005). Knowing your clients is also the best strategy in providing solutions to problem in collecting due payments.   It is good to find out where they stand and what their next move is.   Bankruptcy Code indicates in Chapter 11 that â€Å"debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time (Judiciary).   Overdue payments are also company’s loss even if payments are collected, taking into consideration the cost of money lost through time.   Some business or corporations can seek the help of the court of bankruptcy and it would mean losing the game with them. Part 2: Draft of a sale agreement on the sale of used computer equipment to a Call Center Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A contract is define as a meeting of the mind or mutual understanding of any pursuit; In brief it is a mutual consent.   Therefore, it is good to know the points legally by understanding the cause and effect of the act may it be personal or corporate initiatives.   References on contracts may be applicable but it is always good to consult with an attorney (Balovich, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Drafting a sale agreement usually includes common terms indicated in the general deed of sale.   However sales agreement on used items may have exemptions like the term â€Å"as is where is basis (VISTEON INC.).†Ã‚   The agreement must be clear that the seller is selling used equipments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is also important to include in the draft the following details:   the correct name of both parties because it is always a foot forward to know whom you are dealing with (Examiner, 2005).   It must also include the complete description of the items including serial numbers of the equipment, the number of pieces and the exact price of that equipment being sold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The committee chairman had explained that the call center is going to pay your company in four monthly instalments meaning at five hundred dollars a month.   Before doing so, it must be clear how these sums will be collected and if penalty will be charge for late payments. Normally, used items are paid in cash but it is your company’s discretion that they opted for this agreement.   However it is good advice to plan for an advance collection since two months is too much to wait for a two thousand dollar bill.   It is also important to check on the taxes to be paid by selling used equipments and who is going to pay for it before the total amount on the agreement is written.   The tax exemption identification card is listed normally below the buyer’s signature (VISTEON INC.).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are also clauses in the contract that must be taken in consideration such as termination of the contract since the agreement includes a two month pay period.   It could be at the disadvantage of the company if the items sold are returned during the pay period because of the other party misuse or negligence.   Much more if a refund would be asked.   These two major risks must be well thought of by the committee before the agreement is drafted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Terms and conditions of the draft agreement must include a written approval of the committee.   It is also important that details are discussed in meetings before finalizing a draft.   A lot can be taken into consideration through consultation since being new means there are still a lot to learn.   For this reason a complete knowledge of the company policy and history is needed to deal with its customer successfully. Part 3:   Fraud and trespassing or violation of 3 call center employees regarding company rules.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is difficult to give evidence on pre-empt unlawful act or an action that did not took place.   For instance verbal information that so and so is trying to steal money by falsifying company invoice.   In fact stealing is a grave crime to be committed voluntarily by an employee.   The only evidence is that they should be caught with the false invoices but according to the situation the three employees got arrested even before they have committed the crime.   In fact the only strong evidence is that they broke into the call center at night.   These employees can be charged of unlawful use of company equipments since they should not be working outside of the schedule the company has intended for them.   However there are also cases that workers get back to work at night but this must be approved by their supervisor as overtime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Employee’s misbehaviour is dealt first by the human resource department.  Ã‚   There could be major implications on the company’s image due to the immediate arrest of the three call center workers. Sandra Robinson an expert on employee-employer relations and workplace deviance said that even the best employees can be dysfunctional because of poor management   (Keen, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is also important for managers and supervisors that arrest of people without due evidence is tantamount to abuse in human rights of which these workers can file a suit on moral damages to the Fabulous Call Center Company.  Ã‚   All citizens are given due process of law and to inflict others with committing serious crime without solid evidence is also a serious offense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, call center operates on a tight security level and they make sure that data are verified accurately before anyone is given access to information (Diaphonics, 2006).   No employees are allowed to enter the premises within the authorize time.   To break into an office at night could seem impossible because of the tight security measures that all call center company enforces.  Ã‚   Just within its perimeter area, at the entrances, or being on the floor, break periods, the lockers and lounges are controlled by the operation and security group.   It is a bit impossible that three people could just break in when in fact modern technology misuse can lead to hardware theft.   There is no use for people to break in since hackers can use wireless technology in committing crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At any instance, if the employees broke into an office a trespass warning is issued by the police (Tech, 1999).   The human resource department should terminate employment on the basis of not following company rules and office procedures.   However, there are legal basis in doing so.   There is a great deal to settle with labour disputes than dealing with how the controversy occurred.   Management has the right to look further whether someone’s interest is upheld at the expense of others. Part 4:   Outline for a Mortgage Agreement for a purchase of a building.   What is a secured and unsecured debt and what happens in case of default?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Probably since it is a law firm who is making a purchase through mortgage mean that it is equipped with the legal terminologies and procedure to conduct its transaction.   However the one in charge on the procurement of the bigger building is a project manager who could be better of with building operations than with legal proceedings. Making an outline to assist the project manager could be very helpful but there is a lot of information that could be taken from him because based on his position he knows the project.   He knows whether there will be cost on renovations or building repair and maintenance which will be an additional on cost for the building.   Other costs on building operations may deplete the payment schemes especially if the structure was purchased through a mortgage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before making an outline on the mortgage it is important to talk with the project manager first so that the building that is intended to be bought or to be constructed is free from liens and encumbrances.   Basic knowledge on procuring a building for a specific need say an office building is a must. It is important whether the structure is fit for the intended use.   Project managers normally have knowledge of their operations and provide systems for functionality.   They are the key to abate risks that are sometimes encountered in building procurement.   Project managers talents are tested on time and cost management and they are the professional that assist the owner in project delivery which pertains to buildings (Massachusetts, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mortgage agreements includes clauses such as: purchase price and warranties, authorized person to purchase and the person in charge in the mortgage company and its assigns with the proper addresses, definitions of terms, and building warranties (Findlaw, 1999).   Since the money will be lent by a bank it is important to know the cost of money with the law firm cash flow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important to know the monthly amortization with the principal amount being borrowed and this must be discussed thoroughly how debts will be paid by the Owner.   It is good to think this way since banks usually operates not only on how they are paid but more on how they can foreclose a property.   Determining the cash flow will also guide the buyer how much will be given to secured and unsecured debt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Alan Barnes a certified debt arbitrator and president of Debt Regret defines in his article that â€Å"secured debt as a debt in which the creditor maintains a security interest in an item or piece of personal property (Barnes, 2005).†Ã‚   As described above banks play in this notion of having an interest on the item being procured. The amount of money lent is collateralized by the property and the drawback to this is when the amount borrowed is not sufficient to buy the building.   That remaining amount can be called unsecured debt.   However, the balance on the purchase of the property is still the responsibility of the buyer.   Unsecured loans can be settled through debt programs successfully therefore much pliable to handle than the secured debt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mortgage law varies from one state to another.   It is important that the terms of mortgage indicates profoundly the right of the lender to recover his purchase in case of default in payment and to find out if the lender has interest over the property.   It is also best to calculate and find provisions on how the payments can be made without default.   Initially, expansion means prosperity but managing a bigger family means high risk, transferring into bigger buildings can be a more productive effort but does not always mean more money.   Sometimes it is more on spending on real property which cost can be recovered in a number of years. References Balovich, D. (2006). Small Claims Court For Debt Collection And Disputes [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 07 February 2008 from Barnes, A. (2005). What is the Difference Between Unsecured and Secured Debt? [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Diaphonics. (2006). CALL CENTRE GATEWAY SECURITY [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Examiner, T. (2005).   Collecting Payment Due The Better Business Bureau offers the following tips to speed up the payment process: [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 08 February 2008 from,0,w. Findlaw. (1999). Sample Business Contracts [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Judiciary, T. F. Reorganization Under the Bankruptcy Code [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Keen, C. (2006). UF study: Even good employees act up if supervisors mistreat them [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Massachusetts, T. C. o. (2004). OWNER’S PROJECT MANAGER GUIDELINES [Electronic Version], 7 pages. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Tech, T. (1999). Police log [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from VISTEON INC. USED EQUIPMENT SALES AGREEMENT [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gettysburg2 essays

Gettysburg2 essays There is a lot to say about the Battle of Gettysburg. Many people wonder why this battle out of all others during the war was so great. Many questions were asked. Such as, what did they do for supplies? How did they live? What was the typical military strategy? I will also answer many other questions to in this essay. Its really hard to believe the things I saw during the movie. It just makes wonder how stupid the government was to even think about starting a Civil War. Millions and millions of men died in this war. For what? Honor? I certainly think they did not die honorably, but just went out there and got slaughtered. Although many people say that the Union and Confederate armies fought because of the importance of Gettysburg; the thing is that it was just a small town back then. Gettysburg was chosen because it was good ground. The Confederate army was passing through to go further north and invade the Union territory. The Union army was having the same idea about the south. Good ground was high terrain surrounded by trees. The role geography played in the war was that the army who was placed on the good ground would have a better position on the opposing forces. The officers and soldiers had different lifestyles during the war. The generals would be in cabins or log houses with plenty of supplies. The rest of the army had lived in tents with supplies, but not as much as the generals. So basically the higher your rank, the better you r living conditions were. Although living conditions were different, the strategy was similar. Many times the Union army had to play defensively. The development of trench warfare began. If supplies or ammo got too low, sometimes they would charge and attack the Southerners, like Colonel Chamberlain did when he was defending the line. The Confederate army under the command of General Lee would march all the way to the gate and try ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

AOL Goes Far East

AOL Goes Far East INTRODUCTIONQuantum computer service was founded the 24th of May 1985, in United States and was originally providing an online service, the "Q-Link" for one of the first computer: "The Commodore". In October 1989, AOL service launched for Macintosh and Apple II and in 1991 Quantum Computer services adopted a new name: America Online, Inc. Since then they managed to acquire other smaller online business such as ISQ or CompuServe. After four years of service in 1993, AOL was up to 500,000 members providing access to the internet, and offered access to its own online information and services which were aimed at the average American consumer.In 1999, year of the case, AOL service (one of their product) surpassed 20 million members other 9 countries and that was just at the beginning of the phenomenon of Internet. On their home market in 1999, AOL had 21,5% of the market share, but at the same time, on their new Japanese market where 33%of the population had a computer, they only had 3% o f the market share.â€Å"Sanno Park Tower†In 1997, year of the establishment of AOL in Japan, this country was the second most powerful economy in the world, with a GDP per capita of $28600. One reason of this poor market share might have been that American Online add entered this market a bit too late, at a time when Niftyserve, BigGlobe, DTI and other Japanese companies had already been in place for few years. An other fact is that in 1997 Japan was in a period of recession and consummation had slow down, compared to the year 1996.These facts and events are not the only cause of this poor 3% of the market share and bad decisions could be seen as an other cause. Was it a good choice to...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

FAQs About Purchasing and Maintaining a Chainsaw

FAQs About Purchasing and Maintaining a Chainsaw Small chainsaws  are commonly purchased by rural property owners, tree and timber owners, firewood users and farmers. Often, a new chainsaw owner can become frustrated at the learning curve associated with chainsaw ownership. Here are answers to many questions asked by people planning to buy and operate a chainsaw. This Frequently Asked Questions page is for the new chainsaw owner and addresses the most common concerns about purchasing and maintaining a chainsaw. How to Select a New Chainsaw You should buy only the chainsaw you feel comfortable with. Chainsaw manufacturers are using newer  and lighter materials to build more powerful but durable machines.   Where to Purchase Most foresters and loggers agree and suggest purchasing chainsaws like Stihl, Jonsered or Husqvarna with strong local dealers.  Any reputable brand of chainsaw you purchase with a local dealership servicing that brand can last a long time. How to Learn Operating One There are many great resources on the Internet that can help you operate your saw. The best way is  to place it on flat ground, pull the start control to the on position, and hold the front handle with your left hand as you place your right foot on the rear handle. Make sure to safely review hazards before operating a chainsaw. According to saw expert Carl Smith: If you place your hands on a chainsaw, you must keep in mind that it is like grabbing  a hand grenade without a pin in it. It is very likely to go off in your face. From the moment that you take it out of storage to the time that it goes back to the same place, you can be hurt by either it, or by whatever you will be cutting. Chainsaw Kickbacks and Prevention One in every 12 timbering accidents is caused by chainsaw kickback. If a professional tree feller is at risk, it can definitely happen to a less experienced chainsaw user.  The main focus is to be aware and alert and always wear chainsaw safety clothing. Notice the position of the chainsaw bars nose and chains. Chainsaw Protection Equipment Wearing the proper clothing is one of the best safeguards for you to reduce the possibility of serious injury. Wear sturdy, snug-fitting clothing that gives you complete freedom of movement. The Most Important Parts of a Chainsaw OSHA requires you to have  10 parts on a chainsaw including the chain catcher, flywheel, and the clutch. It is also wise to not buy a  chainsaw bar  thats too short for your average trunk or limb diameter. Mixing Oil With Gas All 2-cycle engines require gas to be mixed with oil. The oil tank is for bar and chain lubricant. Additionally, you really do need to use a quality bar oil as your chainsaw bar oil rather than regular motor oil. This is because the bar and chain oil have a high-tack additive that prevents it from slinging off the chain as it travels. Chainsaw Chipper Vs. Chisel Chain A chipper is a round tooth, round filled chain. It maintains its edge better in dirty cutting. The chisel chain is a square tooth, often ground round and older in design. Filing a Chain When the chips it cuts are no longer chips but dust, or when you have to physically push or force it to cut, you need to sharpen your chain. Depth Gauge Depth gauges are the metal point in front of each tooth on a chainsaw chain. They determine how large a chip the tooth can be taken by the cutter.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Healthy People 2020 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Healthy People 2020 - Essay Example One of the various objectives healthy people 2020 has provided for the well being of Americans is the promotion of Nutrition and Weight Status. It encourages the choice of healthy, nutritious diet to reduce the risk of any chronic disease and to maintain a healthy body weight. Good nutrition is especially essential for children’s physical as well as their mental growth. Moreover, it is important in reducing the risk of many health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and malnutrition, etc. (Healthy, 2013). Obesity is one of the most prevailing health problems among adults and children. Being overweight is a result of excessive intake of calories and underweight is directly linked with food insecurity that means limited or no availability of healthy and nutritious food. It is obvious that the amount of caloric intake affects an individual’s health whether it is high or low. Other than this, it is important to keep this in mind that what is the source of the calories a person is taking. There are many foods, which help prevent various diseases and are also helpful in weight control. These foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Plenty of researches show that making these foods a huge part of the diet will protect against diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure and many other health issues. On the other hand, excessive fat and sugar intake increases the possibilities of various health problems (Brug, Starlen, & Maskini, 2012). Most important thing for health is a healthy weight.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stem Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stem Cell - Essay Example Stem cells seem to be the only option available for leukemia patients. In my opinion, stem cell research should be allowed when we consider the terrible nature of leukemia and other diseases for which stem cell treatment seems to be the only option available at present. Medical researchers are of the view that stem cell therapy has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of human diseases. For example, bone marrow transplants are believed to be the only treatment option to counter the threats of leukemia. In order to develop more in treating leukemia with born marrow transplantation, stem cell research is necessary. Researchers believe that technologies derived from stem cell research can be effectively used in the treatment of many other diseases also. However, still there many controversies surrounding the ethics and effectiveness of stem cell research. Some people believe that the transplanted stem cells could form tumors in future because of the uncontrolled cell division. Stem cells have the ability to renew themselves even after long periods of inactivity. Moreover it can regularly divide to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues. According to Goldstein, & Schneider (2010), the potentials of stem cell research is huge. It can find solutions for the devastating disease like cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetics’ heart diseases, etc (Goldstein, & Schneider, p.5). Many of the genetic diseases and other serious diseases like the ones mentioned above are threatening the sustainment of human life on earth at present. Irrespective of developed or developing countries, cancer is a big health problem everywhere in the world. Millions of people all over the world are losing their life because of cancer and other serious diseases. The discovery, isolation, and culturing of human embryonic stem cells has been brought glimpses of hope among the patients who are suffering

Anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anemia - Research Paper Example Also, the main methods of treatment which lies in blood oxygen balance restoration or transfusion were characterized. Another way of treatment is to provide the necessary amount of iron, which is necessary for the correct functioning of hemoglobin. Anemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and (or) hemoglobin per unit volume of blood (Halwachs-Baumann, 2012). Possible to speak about anemia as a condition that is characterized by a decrease in the formation of red blood cells or an increase in their degradation, or a combination of both factors. Red blood cells and hemoglobin, which is contained in them, play an important function of transporting oxygen to the tissues. Thus, reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin causes insufficient provision of oxygen to tissues. Acute posthemorrhagic anemia. Acute posthemorrhagic anemia is caused by rupture or erosion of the vessel wall through mechanical trauma, ulcerous disease of stomach, pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchiectasis. Color index = 0,85-1,1. Lack of qualitative and quantitative changes in erythrocytes is observed. Abrupt decrease in the number of circulating red blood cells causes hemic hypoxia to which kidneys respond by increased synthesis of erythropoietin. This peptide is a hormone of erythropoiesis and its role lies in stimulating the formation and maturation of erythroblasts in the bone marrow. Proliferation of erythroid sprout becomes noticeable at 4 and 6 days after hemorrhage. In the blood the number of reticulocytes and polychromatic red blood cells increases and also appears rare normocytes. These changes indicate a high regenerative ability of the bone marrow. It changes color to bright red and juicy color. Yellow fatty bone marrow turns to red one and becomes rich in erythropoie tic cells. Also, the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Party is Over Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Party is Over - Essay Example Oil industry boomed especially during 1860 and 1900 when scientific and technological discoveries took place. Another oil pioneer that is credited for his contribution to the oil expansion is French engineer J.J. Etienne Lenoirn who with his discovery of first world internal combustion engine which depended much to the gasoline. Though it took almost 40 years to have clear automobile and interdependency of oil and industries, Lenoirn certainly paved the way for oil production with his innovation of internal engine combustion. In 1990, kerosene sky-rocketed the oil production due to the domestic usage of lighting and cooking, which later on the supply was affected by the invention of electric bulbs. After World War I, city construction in Europe paved the way for automobiles which later on increased oil production. Though most of war automobiles used fuel which was largely supplied by US, which led to the systemization of oil production, refining and shipping. Oil importance was vividly seen during this time which contributed much to the US economic growth. The US became the world superpower nation due to the wealth accumulated during the year of 1950 to 1965 which doubled again from year 1965 to 1980. Though an oil price has been fluctuating, oil and its products have been valuable resource which contributed much to the automakers together with oil companies in America. Though a link between auto industries and oil companies grew fast which saw more cars releases, other economic aspects also had positive impact to the country which made America to depend heavily on oil production to date. Due to it's heavily dependence on oil, America oil production started to decline which has made US looking for oil out of America. Oil revolution has not only changed Americans life, but the world as whole. US strike a deal of 50/50 split with Saudi Arabia which made US which assured US of more oil while Britain strike deal with Iran which later on was nationalised during the nationalism in Iran. Taking a good look at the trend of economic development around the world, especially in the oil producing countries, it is evidenced that these countries experienced a certain amount of conflicts. Apart from the conflicts, US have now become largest oil user, which cannot even meet the domestic demand. "Importation of oil to US has been increasing since 1970 which US has to make up for its shortfall from domestic production." (Richard Heinberg, The Party is Over, 2nd Edition 2005). US being the well-explored country have not managed to meet it domestic demand for oil. Being an industrial country, the oil production has to be high as well, the notion that has forced US to look for alternative in filling the gap of the energy required. In his book, Richard Heinberg described some of alternative energy sources like solar energy and atomic energy that could at least help in meeting the demand. . However, efforts to improve efficiency are subject to diminishing returns, and so eventually a point will be reached where reduced energy availability will translate to reduced economic activity. According to Richard Heinberg, US is the world's largest energy consumer, the centre of global industrial empire and, and the holder of the most powerful store of weaponry in world history. This might play vital role in shaping the geopolitics of the new century.

Adolf Hitler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adolf Hitler - Essay Example Few of the political leaders of the 20th century have repelled contemporaries more than Adolf Hitler, the dictatorial Leader (Fuhrer) and Reich Chancellor of the so-called ‘Greater German Empire’, or the Third Reich. The actions and policies of his regime led to the atrocities previously unparalleled in human history, and the irrationality of many of his political moves led many to believe that the reason for this must supposedly be sought in the personal dementia of Hitler. However, closer look at the development of his personality and the early years of his political career reveals mediocre but still cunning demagogue, who was far from being mere psychopath. The first years of Hitler’s life were rather unremarkable. He was born in lower-middle class Austrian family, with his father, Alois Hitler, a customs official and his mother, Klara Polzl, a devout and obedient housewife. Despite Hitler’s claims to being born in an impoverished family, his father†™s income actually allowed young Adolf to enter Linz Realschule and begin training for commercial career (Bullock 26). Nevertheless, in spite of superficially ‘normal’ life of Hitler family, the psychological relations within it were rather tense. Alois Hitler was always bitter and temperamental man (Fest 17; Kershaw 43). The submissive stance exhibited by his wife, Klara, allowed Alois to have free rein in disciplining his children, so that the relations in the family was dominated by the stern father figure – a fact that undoubtedly had an impact on making of young Hitler (Kershaw 45). In any case, Adolf left Linz Realschule in 1904, the year after his father’s death, due to his record at this school that was far from spectacular (Bullock 26). In 1905, at the age of 16, Hitler ceased his training, and for the next two years he lived comfortably at the expense of his mother, fantasizing about some future great destiny (Kershaw 51). The death of his moth er led to major change in the life of previously carefree Adolf. Hitler’s previous plans of excelling as an artist proved a failure after his futile attempt to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna in October 1907. After the funeral Hitler returned to Vienna to pursue the life of ‘art student’ (Bullock 31). Vienna of those times was a multicultural city that embodied the internal contradictions of the decadent Austro-Hungarian Empire. The old social structure was progressively decomposing itself, with the subdued nationalities claiming rights of self-government and German artisans and petty traders turning to nationalism and especially to Anti-Semitism as a way of rationalising their hostility to competition by numerous Jewish migrants from the eastern lands of the Dual Monarchy that at that time settled in Vienna (Fest 27). Even though Hitler likely became a follower of ideas of German Nationalism in his school years (Bullock 27), it was in Vienna where he be came an enthusiastic partisan of ideas of militant Anti-Semitism then advocated by charismatic Karl Lueger, the leader of Christian Social Party (CS), who was to prove a major influence on the political views of Hitler (Fest 42). According to Fest, despite his less than comfortable life conditions in the men’s houses of Vienna in his destitute years (1908-13), Hitler exhibited nothing but hostility towards revolutionary left-wing movements of his time and paradoxically combined his contempt for bourgeois establishment with a craving to be accepted into it (33). Giblin notes that Hitler had particularly negative opinion of Marxist Social-Democratic Party, believing it to be controlled by the Jews (14). He was especially appalled by the Marxist socio-political doctrine, especially for its denial of organic unity of nation, and by the notion of class struggle (Fest 34). This combination of radical anti-establishment rhetoric with hostility towards political theories that challen ged the notion of social hierarchy as such was characteristic of Hitler’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Party is Over Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Party is Over - Essay Example Oil industry boomed especially during 1860 and 1900 when scientific and technological discoveries took place. Another oil pioneer that is credited for his contribution to the oil expansion is French engineer J.J. Etienne Lenoirn who with his discovery of first world internal combustion engine which depended much to the gasoline. Though it took almost 40 years to have clear automobile and interdependency of oil and industries, Lenoirn certainly paved the way for oil production with his innovation of internal engine combustion. In 1990, kerosene sky-rocketed the oil production due to the domestic usage of lighting and cooking, which later on the supply was affected by the invention of electric bulbs. After World War I, city construction in Europe paved the way for automobiles which later on increased oil production. Though most of war automobiles used fuel which was largely supplied by US, which led to the systemization of oil production, refining and shipping. Oil importance was vividly seen during this time which contributed much to the US economic growth. The US became the world superpower nation due to the wealth accumulated during the year of 1950 to 1965 which doubled again from year 1965 to 1980. Though an oil price has been fluctuating, oil and its products have been valuable resource which contributed much to the automakers together with oil companies in America. Though a link between auto industries and oil companies grew fast which saw more cars releases, other economic aspects also had positive impact to the country which made America to depend heavily on oil production to date. Due to it's heavily dependence on oil, America oil production started to decline which has made US looking for oil out of America. Oil revolution has not only changed Americans life, but the world as whole. US strike a deal of 50/50 split with Saudi Arabia which made US which assured US of more oil while Britain strike deal with Iran which later on was nationalised during the nationalism in Iran. Taking a good look at the trend of economic development around the world, especially in the oil producing countries, it is evidenced that these countries experienced a certain amount of conflicts. Apart from the conflicts, US have now become largest oil user, which cannot even meet the domestic demand. "Importation of oil to US has been increasing since 1970 which US has to make up for its shortfall from domestic production." (Richard Heinberg, The Party is Over, 2nd Edition 2005). US being the well-explored country have not managed to meet it domestic demand for oil. Being an industrial country, the oil production has to be high as well, the notion that has forced US to look for alternative in filling the gap of the energy required. In his book, Richard Heinberg described some of alternative energy sources like solar energy and atomic energy that could at least help in meeting the demand. . However, efforts to improve efficiency are subject to diminishing returns, and so eventually a point will be reached where reduced energy availability will translate to reduced economic activity. According to Richard Heinberg, US is the world's largest energy consumer, the centre of global industrial empire and, and the holder of the most powerful store of weaponry in world history. This might play vital role in shaping the geopolitics of the new century.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Who am I in Nursing Leadership - Discussion Essay

Who am I in Nursing Leadership - Discussion - Essay Example Through different seminar that I attended I learned how to become an exceptional charge nurse with good conflict management styles. This paper tries to evaluate the role of leaders in nursing as a profession. The biggest challenge the leaders in the field of nursing face in line with their duties is staffing challenges (Hagler, 2015). This follows the fact that as the economy recover, more of the nurses leave the job markets. The available data supports this current concern and that we need to find nurses who have critical thinking and are moving away from being oriented towards their earning but to be oriented toward their tasks. There should be health care reforms on the revamped functions of the nurses that give the nurses an opportunity to be prepared to deal with the very complex issues relating to health care and even issues dealing with the comprehensive patients in their homes and even within the community level. A lot of the nurse leaders expect that all the nurses to be greatly involved in shaping the health care debate were they establish more interest on the health care legislations. The leaders are encouraging the associations to speak to the law and policy makers about the greater issues affecting nursing. How effective leadership contributes to the proposed improvement remains the central

Monday, October 14, 2019

Andrew Jackson Campaign Speech of 1828 Essay Example for Free

Andrew Jackson Campaign Speech of 1828 Essay My fellow Americans, the upcoming national elections present a very important choice. We can forge a â€Å"true† representative democracy for the first time in history, and be led by our directly elected leaders. Or we can continue to live in an aristocratic republic run by over-educated elitists who are not beholden to the will of the people, but only to themselves. As you all know, three years ago I won the popular vote for President, but was denied the office because of a â€Å"corrupt bargain† between the dishonorable Henry Clay and President Adams. The people’s choice was disregarded by the elite in power. As a result, I immediately resigned from the Senate and returned to Tennessee, where the legislature immediately nominated me for President again. I have spent the last three years preparing to right this terrible wrong and take back the people’s power to choose their own leaders. My opponent Mr. Adams dismisses me as a â€Å"military chieftain. † I have fought two wars for this country, and I am proud of it. I think one of the most important qualifications a President should have is a military background. We were invaded by the British only 15 years ago. That enemy is still in the Canadas agitating Indians to attack us, and waiting for another chance to invade. We have foreign enemies at our every border. Don’t forget the Spanish forces just to the south in Florida, and Mexico to the west, and Indians constantly raiding settlements all along the frontiers. These foreign threats are many and dire, and we need a President who has the experience to defend our nation against them. There are threats to our nation from within as well. The Second National Bank is a threat to our economic well-being. President Adams and Vice-president Clay both support the bank claiming that it provides stability. I say it does great harm to the average American. It is a financial monopoly controlled by a few wealthy easterners. It controls the credit for the entire country, prints paper money of dubious worth, and it is just plain unconstitutional. Out west thousands of ordinary shop keepers, millers, farmers and other business owners cannot get the currency and the loans they need to run their concerns. How do you develop and grow the economy of a new state without currency, or worse yet, with paper currency of dubious worth? I say let us do away with all paper money, I do not trust it. Gold and Silver coin have intrinsic and eternal value, paper does not. We should also rely on our local and state banks, run by the people who live in and understand our communities, to control the currency needed for commerce, not some faceless, monopolistic national bank. Another threat from within are the abolitionists. They care about one issue only, and would tear the nation apart to get their way. Slavery is necessary to the economy of the south. If we outlaw it, we will make criminals of thousands of slave owners overnight, and collapse all of the southern states’ economies. How will southern families feed and clothe themselves without their labor force? I say let the people and their states decide this issue for themselves. Many northern states have already outlawed slavery, and one day the southern states may follow. You cannot force a cultural change like this on people; you must let them come to it in their own way and time. That is the nature of democracy. President Adams is afraid of internal threats as well. His biggest fear is YOU! The people of this nation, the ordinary citizens of the United States are the gravest threat he faces. Our President doesn’t trust us. To him, we are the unwashed, ignorant masses who, given the chance, would run the country into the ground. The president has stated many times that he believes his precious republic will soon â€Å"degenerate into democracy; that government of the people will become government by the people. † I say it’s about time. I say â€Å"we the people† built this nation. We have marched across the continent, scratching out a living, and burying our children along the way to do it. I say â€Å"we the people† understand better than anyone what it takes to make this nation grow and prosper. I trust the common people of this nation, because I am one of the common people. I am not yet another wealthy land owner from Virginia, nor am I an aristocratic lawyer from Massachusetts. I am a just an old Indian fighter from Tennessee. I believe â€Å"we the people† who have sacrificed the most for this great nation have earned the right to govern it. But I need your help to make this happen. Already, the new states are entering the union with few restrictions on the vote. This has caused many the old states to change their ways as well. Eighteen of our states now choose their electors by popular vote, while only six still allow the legislature to choose their representatives for them. I urge you all to go to the polls on Election Day. With this election we can finally take back power from the old aristocracy. We can establish the legitimacy of majority rule based upon direct voting for candidates by the electorate, and guarantee preservation of the Union, with states rights as the fundamental basis of American liberty. This is the dawn of a new day for democracy and modern American politics. Please vote on Election Day. Thank you.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Assessing The Ethnic Inequality In Canada Sociology Essay

Assessing The Ethnic Inequality In Canada Sociology Essay Inequality, whether racial, ethnic, economic, political or social is a great concern everywhere in the world. This is because research has shown that inequality can lead to poverty and creation of social classes within a society. This theory was expounded by Karl Max in his Communist Manifesto in which he argued that the owners of the means of production, capitalists, exploit the poor or proletariats and accumulate wealth often leading to a class society. This paper summarizes the findings of a 2007 study, titled Ethnic Inequality in Canada: Economic and Health Dimensions, which was done by Ellen M. Gee, Karen M.Kobayashi and Steven G. Prus, and is available in the Canadian Journal of sociology. Other works will also be reviewed to secure a satisfactory understanding of the subject. Introduction Immigration into Canada totally changed the racial diversity of the Canadian population. In their study, Gee et al. (2007) noted that since the beginning of European immigration and settlements, the Canadian society has been ordered based on racial and ethnic dimensions. Ethnicity has occupied a central position in Canadians rising inequality (p.3). John Porter first studied this subject in 1965 and found that entry into the Canadian elite class was racially ranked and determined by income, ethnic prestige, and occupations. His findings found that, British-Canadians topped the group, French-Canadians took second position, and other European-Canadians were third while Blacks and Aboriginals-visible minorities occupied the bottom strata. Despite rapid changes in policy, regarding ethnic and racial discrimination and Canadas economic progress, aspects of ethnic inequality exist in Canada. Gee et al. (2007) examined ethnic inequalities in Canada now (their time of study being 2007). I summarize their findings on four key issues, namely; Economic Inequalities (income and occupations), Employment and home ownership, Health Inequality and the aspect of perceptions on discrimination and prejudice. Economic Inequalities Empirical examples show that, substantial and convincing studies have been done on ethnically or racially based economic inequalities in Canada. Well-studied areas on this subject include income disparities and inequality in occupations. Gee et al. (2007) summarized the various studies done on this subject. (Reitz and Banerjee 2007) concluded that visible minorities in Canada have higher poverty rates and lower comparable incomes than ethnic Canadians of European origin. Gee et al. (2007) noted that recent studies on ethnic/racial orientations of income inequalities show that, household incomes of Aboriginals and visible minorities are usually low than those of Canadians with a European Origin. This is despite the fact that such studies have been conducted by different researchers at different times and applying different racial classifications and control variables. They further noted that racial disparities in the household incomes of European-Canadians have nearly minimized. Additionally, they also found indications showing that Canadians of southern European origin earn lower incomes than Canadians of British origin, while Canadians of French Origin earned much far better (p.14). On occupations, (Nakhaie 1997 as quoted in Gee et al. 2007: 16) found that British-Canadians continue leading the class of Canadian elites, despite the fact that Canadians of other origins have made efforts to join the elite class over the years. Gee et al. (2007) also noted that the correlation between ethnicity/racism and occupation could be studied in two different ways. One way is by establishing whether certain ethnic groups are concentrated in specific occupations (based on division of labor). The other alternative is evaluating the position of racial groups in the Hierarchy or strata of prestigious occupations (p.17). Applying the first dimension, and using the male gender, studies showed that Aboriginals dominate the construction and building industries representing more than double of the Canadian male populations. They are extremely underrepresented in administrative and management occupations. Their women counterparts are represented in service jobs. They therefore conclud ed that, the Canadian labor force is more gendered than ethnically based. In terms of prestige of occupations, Jewish, British and Chinese Canadians top the hierarchy. Blacks, Greeks, Aboriginals and Portuguese Canadians occupy the lower strata in that order. In the case of the female gender, the picture does not change. In this case, ethnicity and racism outweighs gender (p.17). Employment and Home Ownership Li 2000 as quoted in Reitz and Banerjee (2007: 6) noted that the main economic problem that ethnic minority immigrants face in Canada is securing sufficient employment. This is associated with amicable reasons like, the entry effect-related to immigration problems and adjusting to the new environment (urban settlement), academic qualifications and racism. Ethnic minority immigrants experience more impediments than immigrants of European-origin (Reitz and Banerjee 2007: 6) Gee et al. (2007) asserted that findings show that in terms of home ownership, the picture is no different. It reflects the same strata as it is observed in household income levels and occupations. Osberg (2008: 33) noted that, despite the fact that much literature has ignored the role of interest rates, wealth distribution, and household incomes of the wealthy and focused on earning trends, Canada now has much information on economic and other social inequalities and broad conclusions are apparent. He concludes that data shows an increase in economic inequality in Canada today. Health Inequalities Better health care is one of the basic needs that all human beings aspire to get any ware in the world. Low household incomes are frequently linked with poor health. Despite intensified research and studies on health inequality in Canada, little attention has been directed at ethno-cultural disparities on health. Gee et al (2007) looked at both heath care access and health status. However much of the literature that they examined did not show a direct correlation between ethnicity and health status. In some instances data showed that, some recent immigrants, irregardless of race or ethnic group had better health than their Canadian-born counterparts. This healthy immigrant effect was however associated with the health requirements in the Canadian immigration act that locked out immigrants with chronic health conditions. Their studies concluded that Canadians whose mother tongue is non-English or non-French are economically disadvantaged. Recent visible immigrants are typically disadvantaged. Their analysis also found significant disparities in health status and utilization depending on country of immigrant and language. The health status of recent Immigrants declines as their years of stay in Canada increase. This is because they hardly report for medical checkups, due to the fear discriminat ion, prejudice, and low household incomes. Perceptions of Discrimination and Prejudice: A Barrier to Social Cohesion Ethnic and racial inequality might be less decisive if it is because of circumstances amicable to the visible minority, such as status of new immigrants, language differences, or academic and technical training not compliant with Canadian requirements. In other words, inequality would not be a threat to social cohesion if it were viewed as legitimate. The feeling of discrimination, prejudice and racism is another issue all together (Reitz and Banerjee 2007: 8). A 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, which sought to get views of individual experiences of ethnic and racial discrimination, showed that 35.9% of all the respondents consisting visible minorities reported cases of discrimination and prejudice compared with 10.6% of all Whites who responded to the Survey, of the visible minorities, blacks recorded the highest rate at 49.6%. (p. 8:9). The Visible minorities also reported incidences of perceived discrimination of their ethnic group. Despite improving economic status of immigrants as they cope up with Canadian environment and society an ethnic divide in perceptions of racial discrimination is eminent among immigrants with longer stay and experience in Canada. (p.9), this is even persistence among children. Cases of non-recognition of immigrant qualifications also abound, despite in some cases being equivalent to those of native Canadians. Failure to recognize foreign qualifications and experience are some of the barriers that visible minorities come across as they seek employment. Racial discrimination is viewed with skepticism in Canada, but the mutual covenant is that it exists and cannot be ignored. It is true that one of the effects of racial discrimination of minorities is its impact on the social cohesion of the Canadian society. Social cohesion generally means the capacity of a society to formulate, implement and adhere to policies that guide it. Lack of it may lead to conflicts and civil disorders as it happened in France and the United Kingdom. Other effects may be failure of a group to participate in making decisions and sometimes withdrawing its support for certain decisions or societal policies. Integrating ethnic minorities is an important issue in Canada. Social integration and social cohesion are mutually exclusive and cannot be separated. Proper social integration of minority ethnic groups in Canada is a sine qua non for a peaceful and prosperous society that is viewed by its occupants as a means to the achievement of their needs. This will strengthen the Canadian society; raise the spirit of inclusiveness, civic and voluntary participation in activities concerning human life. Conclusion Inequality is a social evil; no society is a friend to it. The above revelations reveal that forms of inequality based on ethnic considerations exist in Canada irregardless of how minute they are. This is a big concern to racial minorities. It is not only a challenge to the racial group that experience it, but also to the completely Canadian society in terms of forging a peaceful and an all inclusive society acceptable to all. The process of socially integrating ethnic minorities into Canadian society is often slower than that of European immigrants. This is often associated with their feeling of exclusion and perceived discrimination. Of emphasis is that economic integration should match social integration, none should supersede the other. Existing Canadian policies and legal structures are laudable against racial discrimination and economic inequality. This is possibly due to international conventions and pressure to eliminate global racism and ethnicity, but it is not clear whether they are sufficient in addressing the issues that affect minority ethnic groups in Canada. However, may consent is that ethnic prejudice and discrimination is a social construction that can only be changed by the subconscious minds of individuals-the way we think and see others. We should all join hands and fight ethnic inequality. We should judge others by their competence and content of their minds rather than the pigmentation of their skin. There shall be no solution to this race problem until, you yourselves, strike the blow for liberty-Marcus Garvey

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Use of Numbers in The Queen of Spades Essay -- The Queen of Spades

The Use of Numbers in The Queen of Spades  Ã‚     Ã‚   The use of numbers, especially the three and to a lesser extent the seven, is of major importance in Alexander Pushkin's The Queen of Spades. The use of three permeates the text in several ways, these being major, minor, and in reference to time. According to Alexandr Slonimsky in an essay written in 1922, "A notion of the grouping of three is dominant..." (429). In the major details of the story, we find "three fantastic moments" (Slonimsky 429), three cards, three major catastrophes, three main characters, and the use of six chapters, six being a multiple of three. The three fantastic moments are: "the story of Tomsky (Chapter 1), the vision of Hermann (Chapter 5), and the miraculous win (Chapter 6)" (429). These three moments form the backbone of the story. In Tomsky's story, one first reads of the three cards guaranteed to produce a winner at the game of faro. What makes this incident fantastic in relation to the story is the importance of the story to the events that follow when contrasted to the nonchalant attitude attributed to those in attendance. The second fantastic incident is that of the appearance of the dead Countess to Hermann. This incident is fantastic in that the three cards named by the Countess are actually the winning cards, meaning the Countess is an apparition and not simply a dream. The final fantastic incident occurs when Hermann miraculously wins at the faro table the first time. The reader now knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the three are magic cards. "The particular significance of the three cards is shown in the rhythmic quality of Hermann's thoughts" (Slonimsky 429). In looking at the original text, the rhythmic quality is much more appa... ...the greatest of the classical literary tradition and is also considered to be one of the triumvirate of great Russian literature. As concerns The Queen of Spades, D.S. Mirsky has this to say, "The Queen of Spades is beyond a doubt Pushkin's masterpiece in prose" (436). Works Cited Mirsky, D.S.  Ã‚   Title unknown.  Ã‚   1926.  Ã‚   Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism Volume 3.  Ã‚   Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris.  Ã‚   Detroit:  Ã‚   Gale Research Company,  Ã‚   1983. Pushkin, Alexander.  Ã‚   The Queen of Spades.  Ã‚   1834.  Ã‚   Trans.  Ã‚   Ivy and Tatiana Litvinov.  Ã‚   Literature of the Western World, Third Edition, Volume Two.  Ã‚   Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt.  Ã‚   New York:  Ã‚   Macmillin,  Ã‚   1992.  Ã‚   870-890. Slonimsky, Alexandr.  Ã‚   Title Unknown.  Ã‚   1922.  Ã‚   Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism Volume Three.  Ã‚   Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris.  Ã‚   Detroit:  Ã‚   Gale Research Company,  Ã‚   1983.         

Friday, October 11, 2019

Steam-powered Boilers

Boilers are closed containers where a fluid is heated to generate steam above the atmospheric pressure (Steingress, 2001 5). Thus, they are often called steam-powered boilers since the steam they generate is utilized as a source of energy such as electricity. Boilers have two primary parts. These are the compartment for fuel combustion and the other compartment for evaporation of water to produce steam (Prasad). The steam produced then, leaves the water compartment and is used for various purposes (Steingress, 2003 4).The main materials for boiler construction can be carbon steel, stainless steel, brass or cast iron. These materials are used since they are not flammable and they are good conductors of heat. Inside the boiler, combustion of fuels such as wood, coal, natural gas or oil, generates the heat needed to turn water into steam. History of Boilers Pneumatica was the first steam machine ever produced in the history of mechanics. This steam engine was the first employment of wat er generated into steam to produce power. It was invented in the 1st century by a Greek mathematician and inventor named Hero of Alexandria.In the Middle Ages and Renaissance period, Italian architect and inventor Giovanni Branca designed the first boiler. The boiler discharges steam, which in turn, struck the blades of a wheel thus, causing it to rotate. Later, in the year 1785, Scottish inventor James Watt redesigned the previous boiler. He introduced the use of spherical and cylindrical vessels heated from below by open fire to generate steam. This design is what makes up the modern-day boiler (Prasad). Applications of Boilers Boilers have various purposes. Nevertheless, most of its applications are in the field of energy generation for further functions.One good example is the use of boiler in the first steam engine produced. Thomas Savery built this steam engine made of two copper vessels, which are alternately filled with steam from a boiler. The said engine was used for pumpi ng water out of mines (Prasad). Other useful applications of boilers are boiler feed water deaerator, external combustion engine, fossil fuel power plant generator, and ship propeller power generator. There are still other uses of boilers especially in the industry; however, these applications are specific for each type of boiler.There are two major types of boilers: fire-tube boilers and water-tube boilers. Fire-tube Boilers The fore-runner of a fire-tube boiler was invented by Oliver Evans in America. Evans built a boiler consisting of cylindrical casings where one is inside the other and the region between them containing water. The fire and fuel in this type of boiler are inside the cylinder thus allowing an increase in steam pressure (Prasad). Fire-tube boilers, compared to water-tube boilers, have low steam production rate. However, this type of boiler has a high steam storage capacity.Fire-tube boilers usually utilize solid fuels; nevertheless, liquid fuels can also be used u pon adaptation of the device. One hazard of fire-tube boilers is that they are sometimes explosive (Prasad). In fire-tube boilers, the boiler barrel is almost completely filled with water with a small space above to enclose the steam that is produced. The source of fuel is a furnace, which is cooled by water around it, to prevent overheating which may cause explosions. Fire- tube boilers are also known as smoke-tube or shell boiler and fire pipe.Boilers of this type are typically used for steam locomotives and for heating buildings in stationary engineering fields. There are several kinds of fire-tube boilers that differ only in the way the flu gasses, which provide the heat, are transported in a variety of tubes. These types are Cornish boiler, Lancashire boiler, Scotch marine boiler, locomotive boiler, vertical fire-tube boiler and horizontal return tubular boiler (Shonas Wreck Guide). Water-tube Boilers This type of boiler was introduced later than its counterpart. It was invente d by George Herman Babcock and Stephen Wilcox in 1867 (Prasad).Unlike fire-tube boilers, water-tube boilers have high steam production rates. However, they have less storage capacity than fire-tube types. Water-tube boilers are characteristically used in high-pressure applications because the narrow pipes of this type can endure pressure despite their thin walls. Furthermore, water-tube boilers have less risk of explosions since the water used is only minimal. In water-tube types, the water flows through tubes, which are heated externally by gases. Steam is then collected into a drum located above the tubes.This type is also inexpensive in a sense that the water is just circulated inside the tubes. The water is heated then turned into steam and again cooled to water upon accomplishing its purpose. Water-type boilers also have different classifications, which are D-type, O-type, A-type, flex-tube boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Stirling boiler, thornycroft boiler, and yarrow boile r (Prasad). Safety Precautions Since steam boilers are pressurized vessels, it has a risk of explosion. Boiler explosions are damaging since they are boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions.In this case, the pressure exceeds the capacity of the vessel and thus, explodes into destructive steam, not to mention the furnace that may add to the explosion. Furnace explosions may also occur in boilers. It is thus advised that maintenance and regular inspection of the boiler be done. One well-known explosion took place in the steamer â€Å"Eclipse† on January 27, 1865. In this disaster, 27 were killed and 78 were wounded (Hewison 1). Therefore, hazards of boiler explosion can certainly be disturbing. Maintenance and regular replacement of defective or weak parts of the boiler should be done regularly.Works Cited â€Å"General Ship Layout†. Shonas Wreck Guide. 17 April 2008. Hewison, Christian H. Locomotive Boiler Explosions. David and Charles. 1983. Prasad, Vishwanath. â₠¬Å"Boilers. † Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 2007. Microsoft Corporation. 17 April 2008. Steingress, Frederick M. Low Pressure Boilers. 4th Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2001. Steingress, Frederick M. , Harold Frost and Darryl Walker. High Pressure Boilers. 3rd Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2003.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Should the United States Adopt the Metric System

Should the United States Adopt the Metric System? Donielle Allen NCSU Maths 103 Ms. Blackman June 29, 2010 Abstract This paper is to inform my readers on the question â€Å"Should the United States Adopt the Metric System? † In this paper you will see the difference between the US and the Metric System. You will also see how easier it is the go with the Metric System instead of the US System. The Metric System makes life easier for everyone.I think the United States should adopt the Metric System, because nearly every other major country in the world uses it as their primary system of measurements of distance, volume, temperature, energy and so forth. It is comparatively simple to make conversion in the Metric System as the system was designed for making conversions. It will greatly simplify life for us students when we have only to learn that a kilometer is 1000 meters instead of learning that a mile is 5280 feet.The Metric System would not only simplify life for us students, it will also simplify life for Scientist and engineers, making their computations less error prone and consequently, the products better and cheaper. The question is always been asked, why not use the US System instead of switching to the Metric System. But it is always known that the Metric System is better. To compare both systems here, I will list all English Imperial units in use, and all SI units describing the same range of the same physical quantities. These are: Length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, energy, power and temperature.For a fair comparison, we omit those SI units which are commonly used in both systems, like second, ampere, volt, ohm etc. To measure the above mentioned quantities in the English Imperial system, all the following units can occur: * Length: inch, foot, yard, mile, fathom, rod, furlong, league, mil, pole, perch, hand, link, chain * Area: square inch, square foot, square yard, acre, square mile, township, square fathom, square rod, square furl ong, square league, square mil, square pole, square perch, square hand, square link, square chain. Volume: gallon, liquid quart, dry quart, liquid pint, dry pint, fluid ounce, teaspoon, tablespoon, minim, fluid dram, gill, peck, bushel, cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic fathom, cubic rod, cubic furlong, cubic mile, cubic league, cubic mil, cubic pole, cubic perch, cubic hand, cubic link, cubic chain.* Mass: pound, apoth. pound, ounce, apoth. ounce, dram, apoth. dram, grain, spoth. scruple, pennyweight, short hundredweight, long hundredweight, short ton, long ton. * Force: pound, ton. Pressure: pounds per square inch, pounds per square foot, pounds per square yard, pounds per acre, pounds per square mile, pounds per township, pounds per square fathom, pounds per square rod, pounds per square furlong, pounds per square league, pounds per square mil, pounds per square pole, pounds per square perch, pounds per square hand, pounds per square link, pounds per square chain, tons pe r square inch, tons per square foot, tons per square yard, tons per acre, tons per square mile, tons per township, tons per square fathom, tons per square rod, tons per square furlong, tons per square league, tons per square mil, tons per square pole, tons per square perch, tons per square hand, tons per square link, tons per square chain. Energy: calorie, inch-pound, foot-pound, yard-pound, mile-pound, fathom-pound, rod-pound, furlong-pound, league-pound, mil-pound, pole-pound, perch-pound, hand-pound, link-pound, chain-pound, inch-ton, foot-ton, yard-ton, mile-ton, fathom-ton, rod-ton, furlong-ton, league-ton, mil-ton, pole-ton, perch-ton, hand-ton, link-ton, chain-ton.* Power: horsepower, inch-pound per second, foot-pound per second, yard-pound per second, mile-pound per second, fathom-pound per second, rod-pound per second, furlong-pound per second, league-pound per second, mil-pound per second, pole-pound per second, perch-pound per second, hand-pound per second, link-pound per second, chain-pound per second, inch-ton per second, foot-ton per second, yard-ton per second, mile-ton per second, fathom-ton per second, rod-ton per second, furlong-ton per second, league-ton per second, mil-ton er second, pole-ton per second, perch-ton per second, hand-ton per second, link-ton per second, chain-ton per second. * Temperature: degrees Fahrenheit. To measure the same range of the same quantities in the metric system, only the following units can occur: * Length: meter * Area: square meter (are) * Volume: cubic meter (liter) * Mass: gram (metric ton) * Force: newton * Pressure: pascal * Energy: joule * Power: watt * Temperature: kelvin (degrees Celsius) Now, by looking at the list above we can all come to an agreement that the Metric System is way easier than the US System, and that the United States should adopt it. The best thing about the metric system is that it is easily divisible and convertible.Instead of having to remember that there are 12 inches in a foot, three feet in a yard, and 5280 feet to a mile, you just have to remember that there are 10 millimeters to a centimeter, 10 centimeters to a decimeter, and 10 decimeters to a meter. It is much easier to remember and much easier to convert.Reference Stans, M. (1971). Should The U. S. Approve Pending Recommendations To Adopt Officially The International Metric System? PRO. Congressional Digest, 50(12), 298. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. The Historian, Initials. (2007, December 26). Metric system. Retrieved from http://scienceray. com/mathematics/mathematical-theory/reasons-why-the-united-states-should-adopt-the-metric-system/

Apollo Group Essay

The Apollo Group was founded by John Sterling, a professor at San Jose State University, in 1976. They are a for-profit educational provider that specializes in educating working adults. The Apollo Group has many subsidiaries both domestic and abroad. The University of Phoenix- the largest private university in the United States Institute for Professional Development- a consultant service that provides private colleges and universities in the US with adult education program development, administration and management support The College for Financial Planning Institutes- a national leader in providing financial services education the and certification to people and companies in the financial services industry Meritus University- an online university with degree programs in Canada Apollo Global Inc- a partnership with The Carlyle Group that invest in international education services in various countries The University of Phoenix is their main subsidiary and has an enrollment of over 550,000 students. They provide undergraduate, masters and doctorial programs both online and at on-campus locations in 40 states. Since the University of Phoenix is a for-profit educator, they recognize their students as customers and have tailored their business to fit the educational needs of their customers. Their programs are geared toward working adults; they are able to educate their customers at a rapid pace with low overhead. They have simple online platforms that are easy to use and their on-campus locations consist of basic classrooms. Since their primary customers are working adults and commuting students, they do not invest in building dorms, student unions or recreational facilities at these on-campus locations. Current Issues While this business model has been profitable for Apollo Group, there are some concerns that will force them to adjust their plan. Because of the perception that online classes are ineffective, and proprietary colleges and universities are degree factories that are not providing a quality education, prestigious universities are sticking with traditional programs. This perception is shared by potential students and their employers. Apollo needs to improve the reputation of their brand. The federal government has put some regulations in place to ensure that proprietary educators are educating students and not pushing them through their programs and granting degrees to create a revenue stream from federal financial aid and student loans. The Gainful Employment Rule- If programs fail the three test of gainful employment three times in a four year span they will not be eligible to receive federal financial aid dollars. The 90/10 Rule- If the institution get more than 90% of its cash revenue from student loans, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. Student Loan Defaults- The federal government sets a three year default limit on cohorts of students. If the students’ loan default rate of the cohort drops below the limit, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. In addition to the negitive reputation and government regulations, the Apollo Group is facing competition from both traditional and proprietary educators. As the technology increases, more schools are investing in their distance learning programs. Apollo will need to find a way to differentiate themselves from these institutions. Recommendations I think the Apollo Group should leverage the relationships that their other subsidiaries have built with their clients, as well as the ones their professors have with their employers, to get input on redesigning their degree programs. If done properly these programs will set industry standards and change the reputation of the University of Phoenix. These redesigned programs should create more employment opportunities for their graduates and help them pass gainful employment test. Working with major corporations to create these programs and gaining their public endorsement will give them an advantage over their competitors. While their business model does not include the extra amenities of a traditional university, the University of Phoenix needs to invest in career counseling and job placement services to help their students find good jobs, this will increase the likelihood of being in compliance with federal regulations. They should also develop a business case showing how the 90/10 rule will cause them to deny enrollment to low income students and petition elected officials who serve low income areas to modify some of the federal regulations that they are governed by. Wall Street Metrics As of this writing, The Apollo Group, with a ticker symbol of APOL is trading at $20.83 per share. Its 52-week high was $29.47 and its low was $15.98. It has a P.E. ratio of 8.54% compared to 24.38% of the S&P 500 and 36.39% for the sector. Its dividend yield is 0 compared to 1.85 of the S&P 500 and 2.14 of the sector. It has a Beta measurement of 0.70. Based upon my analysis, I would not currently purchase this stock. Post Script The University of Phoenix recently had some trouble retaining their accreditation. A peer group with The Higher Learning Commission, a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, recommended that they be put on probation. â€Å"Specifically, the review team concluded that the University of Phoenix has insufficient autonomy relative to its parent corporation and sole shareholder, Apollo Group, Inc., to assure that its board of directors can manage the institution, assure the university’s integrity, exercise the board’s fiduciary responsibilities and make decisions necessary to achieve the institution’s mission and successful operation.† 1 The Apollo Group was able to work with the HLC’s Institutional Actions Council First Committee to retain its regional accreditation, but that the university will be placed on â€Å"notice† for two years. In efforts to retain students by reducing the cost of tuition, the university has created a scholarship reward program that gives eligible undergraduate degree students up to $10,000 in tuition reductions. They also instituted a tuition freeze so students will not have tuition increases as long as they are consistently enrolled in classes.